8 Bridal Beauty Tips to Change Your Life
The wedding season is here and if you are a bride-to-be, or going to attend a wedding of a close one, you must be in action mode with countless shopping sprees and hunting for the trousseau. But what have you planned for your most important accessory, your skin, other than a facial? Most women do not have a clue on how to prep their skin for the big day. Read these eight tips and you will be sorted!
# 1 Skip the facial/laser
Yep, you read it right! Skip any facial or laser plans close to your wedding. Facials are risky and in many cases, unnecessary. You might end up harming your skin; you don’t want a beetroot red face or spots and acne, would you?
Facials are basically meant to bring a glow, along with cleaning out your skin. But that can easily be achieved by home products too. Just use mild chemical exfoliation instead of painful blackhead removing! If you must do a facial, it should be done at least a month before the wedding. As for lasers, they might make you shine temporarily, but if you follow it up closely with a honeymoon at the beach you will burn and damage yourself beyond care!
Treat acne. If you have a low cut dress at the back, start treating your back acne in advance. Any facial or treatment for acne should be extended to your back too.
# 2 Start your skin care early and don’t change anything a month before your wedding
If you are not applying a sunblock daily, that should change now. Use a high quality physical sunscreen to apply daily on your face, to protect you from all those shopping sprees in the sun. Our top pick is Color science unforgettable mineral powder SPF 50.
Also a few months before the wedding, attack your spots and uneven pigmentation. Do not pick on spots or pimples close to your big day. If you see a zit, simply treat it with Benzoyl Peroxide 5% cream available at your local pharmacy. Any new makeup for your trousseau as well as foundations etc should be tested, along with your daily skin care routine. No experiments please.
# 3 Brighten your teeth
Not only should you look at teeth whitening treatments which are immediately effective but also invest in teeth whitening strips. Top pick: Crest Advanced teeth whitening strips. You will be the center of attention, we promise!
# 4 Use hello glow serum to glow like bulb
This is the time to invest in a completely customized skincare routine, the sooner the better. Much better than a last minute facial! Start exfoliating daily, using a mild and gentle Lactic acid or glycol acid. Don’t forget to patch test. Pro tip: To glow like a light bulb, start using Vitamin C&E with ferulic acid. Also start drinking a fruit and vegetable smoothie every day. Trust me, the right smoothie will help you glow and lighten your skin.

# 5 Invest in what pores toner
As a bride, your facial skin will be abused with foundations and brushes. Invest in what pores toner which has glycolic acid or salicylic acid in it to prevent acne bacteria. Top pick: what pores toner

# 6 Use a good body moisturizer and body exfoliator to reduce stretch marks
Most brides are trying to lose weight before their wedding. There’s nothing wrong with a little flesh on the bones ladies. Use a body AHA exfoliate and moisturize daily to ensure that this does not leave any stretch marks. AHA stands for alpha hydroxy acid—but don’t let the word “acid” scare you: AHA ingredients are more gentle on your skin than most scrubs or cleansing brushes could ever be.
This Aha soap from Mario Bradesco is a good choice to gently exfoliate your body.
# 7 Take care of your hands
You will be showing off your engagement ring and jewelry girl! And this does not mean only manicure and pedicure. Wear UV protection gloves as much as possible. Exfoliate your hands and feet regularly and apply sunblock on your hands (don’t forget your neck and face too) please! If you are above 20, use Hyaluronic acid on your hands and feet to moisturize them.
# 8 Get your iron and Vitamin D checked and supplement it regularly
Being a bride, blood tests are the farthest thing from your mind, but they shouldn’t be. Also, iron will help you have thicker, longer hair. And Vitamin D will help you stay strong and flu and sickness free throughout your wedding. Just make sure you are monitoring Vitamin D3 and supplementing it with (cholecalciferol) rather than D2. Your level should ideally be more than 50 to 70 ng /ml). No Biotin supplements please! They can cause you issues of acne.